Commercial Projects
We can advise you regarding the strategy, planning and realization of commercial projects. Whether vertically, along your value chain. Or horizontally, in relation to different forms of partnerships. We can help you transform demanding operational and commercial requirements into robust contractual arrangements.
Complex contract drafting
We can provide specialized advice, particularly for complex commercial projects that are characterized by many functional or technical requirements, the large number of parties involved, tight timelines, or an international context. Or for all of it. Complex does not necessarily mean big. In particular, SMEs often face difficult contractual issues that they need to solve in a cost efficient way. We help those companies with appropriate legal and contractual efforts to make their projects a success.
Using standards and bespoke solutions
We are familiar with domestic and international standards regarding contract drafting and contract negotiations. We can help you to efficiently use available standards and find individual, tailor-made solutions where the particularities of your project require them. Putting in just the right amount of effort to achieve the best possible solutions.
Leading and managing negotiations
In the end, it only matters what the contract says. Therefore, the contract negotiations are often the key issue for commercial projects. Project management, the technical team, the procurement department and the legal department all may have different requirements that need to be consolidated in one contract. We can provide you with right help in the context of sourcing projects to create coherent contract documentation and service descriptions. We are well-experienced in contract management and in conducting contract negotiations.
Depending on your needs, we can provide background support, or we can take over the complete project set-up and conduct the contract negotiations on your behalf. We can develop the negotiation strategy and agenda with you, and we can lead and coordinate the negotiations and the implementation of the results in the contract documentation.
Purchasing and sourcing
Purchasing and sourcing processes can achieve a high degree of standardization. But corporate purchasing will always include particularly difficult and complex one-off projects. We can support you in your daily sourcing business, and in unusual, new or complex sourcing situations.
Cooperation, alliances, networks
Technological networking and disruptive innovations are reasons for the increasing importance of cooperation, particularly across traditional sector borders. The connection between established players and new business models often begins with alliances, joint ventures or other forms of collaboration. The contract design for these relationships is often very demanding, and usually requires a bespoke approach, particularly with regard to investment and remuneration rules, mutual licensing of IP, competition-relevant agreements, option agreements, and many other items. We can help you find the right mixture of flexibility and commitment, and a secure basis for joint business development and new alliances.
Contractual design of new business models
We can help you in the legal and contractual design of new business models, such as by drafting appropriate terms and conditions (Ts&Cs). Ts&Cs should be an integral part of the communication product. We can create Ts&Cs for you that help you present a convincing product. A standardized contractual framework that helps you to achieve your commercial goals and does not promise your customers more than your own suppliers and service providers can deliver. And even more importantly, Ts&Cs that help your customers understand your product. Robust and easy to understand Ts&Cs mean less effort for explanations and adjustments, higher acceptance, and as a consequence, quicker deal closings.
Legal Project Management
We can support your project management and help you achieve your commercial goals. With efficient legal project management, we can help you meet your project deadlines. We can advise you regarding the appropriate sizing of contract documentation, and help you set the right priorities for contract negotiations. Sometimes less is more.
We can support your project managers in reporting to upper level management, and help your organization make project decisions quickly and in the most transparent way.
Issues Project preparation ● Memorandum of Understanding ● Letter of Intent ● Term Sheet ● Confidentiality Agreement / Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) ● Procurement ● General Purchasing Conditions ● Purchase and Supply Agreements ● Toll Manufacturing Agreements ● Licence Manufacturing Agreements ● Supply Agreements ● Framework Supply Agreements ● Development and Manufacturing Agreements ● Quality Assurance Agreements ● Service Level Agreements ● Maintenance Agreements / Support Agreements ● Operating Agreements ● Professional Services Agreements ● Consultancy Agreements ● Testing Agreements ● Logistics Agreements ● Call Centre Agreements ● Guarantees and Securities ● Letters of Comfort ● Guarantees ● Cooperation Agreements ● Joint Venture Agreements ● Research and Development Agreements (R&D Agreements) ● Advertisement and Marketing ● Agency Agreements ● Advertisement Agreements ● Sponsoring Agreements ● Distribution & Licensing ● Licensing ● Exploitation Agreements ● Format Agreements ● Content Agreements ● Commercial Agent Agreements ● Licensed Dealer Agreements ● Limited Dealer Agreements ● Franchise Agreements ● Commission Agreements ● Direct Sales ● Distance Sales ● Exclusive Sales Agreements ● Brokerage Agreements ● Distribution Licenses ● Trademark Licenses